the benefits & advantages of TV advertising for your brand

TV advertising used to be the realm of big corporations and worldwide brands—but the tides have since changed, and getting your brand on television has never been more affordable! mascot dressed like a film director

Despite the great digital revolution that made online content more accessible than ever in the form of social media and streaming platforms, traditional television remains an essential source of news and entertainment for millions of consumers across the UK and the world.

In 2020, the television industry in the United Kingdom made roughly 16.27 billion pounds, with the average daily viewing time being 192 minutes per person. In the UK, 8.48 million TV households paid for a Sky TV package in 2019, and almost 4 million for cable. [Source: CyberCrew]

With these statistics in mind, it’s up to marketers to make sure they capitalise on the power of modern TV advertising and the many benefits it has in store for brands. As specialist partners of Sky AdSmart, our team support businesses from the concept phase through to media placement—whether they’re a team of a thousand or a one man band!

tv advertising is not just for global brands

Clients often approach us with enquiries for animated tv ads, with the misconception that only the biggest brands with the biggest budgets will get the kind of media placement that ultimately results in amazing ROI. They’re always surprised when we tell them that couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth!

Naturally, a bigger budget will mean a bigger audience, and in return an improved conversion rate, but that doesn’t mean that small and mid-sized businesses can’t also benefit from getting their ad on tv at a more affordable price!

let’s take a look at the benefits & advantages of investing in TV ads for your brand

1. reach a much larger audience

The UK Parliament reports in their TV license fee statistics that 95% of UK households owned a TV in 2020, or a whopping 27 million households across the country. That’s 27 million pairs of eyes that could view your ad when it airs on tv. Depending on your product or service, only a chunk of those eyes might actually fall under your target audience, which is why a brilliant service like Sky AdSmart comes in handy to whittle those numbers down—-but more on targeting in a moment.

2. improve your brand authority

Having traditionally been the realm of big corporations and global brands, advertising on tv has created a sense of establishment and success. What we mean by that is, brands that appear on tv are more likely to be seen as trustworthy, legitimate, and highly successful. By investing in a tv ad, you are consequently shining your brand in this same light, and will thus reap the same rewards from your audience.

3. reap the best ROI on your media spend

When it comes to choosing how to spend your allocated marketing budget, it more often than not comes down to the platform or campaign that will deliver the most optimal ROI. When efficiently implemented, your tv ad can properly utilise your marketing spend by boosting your ROI for but a fraction of the cost.

Using a service like Sky AdSmart, for example, allows marketers to pay per view—-meaning that every time a viewer skips your ad, you don’t have to pay. In addition to improving visibility and engagement rates, a pay-per-view arrangement ensures that every penny you spend was spent effectively and on target.

4. superior targeting

We already lightly touched on targeting at both points around reaching a bigger audience and reaping the best ROI on your media spend, but television advertising’s true targeting benefit delves much deeper into your target audience than you might think. Taking another look at our partners, Sky AdSmart, we see their media placement allowing marketers and business professionals the option to target their ads down to incredibly specific filters like gender, age, income, and geographical location as closely honed in as postcode area.

We previously spoke about how advertising on tv allows you to reach a much bigger audience, but that a big chunk of this audience might not be who you’re targeting. This kind of superior tv targeting completely diminishes that factor, yet again making sure that ever penny you spend on launching an ad on tv, is spent effectively.

5. reuse and localise with animated ads

Visual marketing assets, animation in particular, are perfect localisation tools. Animation breaks down language barriers and can be created entirely remotely—which is hugely advantageous for people wanting to market internationally, to a much wider audience.

Investing in an animated ad is also incredibly cost-effective, as it’s easily editable to maintain the same look and feel, even when your business, campaign or marketing message changes. Digital assets like animation is incredibly versatile when it comes to repurposing content on different platforms, and is therefore considered a much more sustainable approach to digital marketing than traditional film.

When you think of an animated ad, you might be picturing a cartoon—but that’s far from the true reach of animation. Imagine seeing a car in a vehicle ad zooming down a picturesque road in the Italian countryside. That entire shot probably cost a fortune to film, so what if the manufacturers want to change the colour of the car from grey to red? That’s where the wonderful powers of CGI come in. With animation, you can change the most minuscule detail without ever having to reshoot or refilm.

at a glance

  • TV attracts large and focused audiences

  • TV advertising improves your brand authority by creating a sense of trust

  • TV advertising has unbeatable scale and reach with options to target your audience down to gender, age, and geographical location

  • Investing in a TV doesn’t have to break the bank with pay-per-view options from services like Sky AdSmart

  • Animated ads are easily editable, more cost-effective than film alone, and the perfect localisation tool mascot pointing a remote at a tv with the Sky AdSmart logo

not sure how to embark on your own animation journey?

we’ve got you covered!


we were at the UK independent agencies conference!


case study: kindred (vr short animation)