the data school 2d recruitment explainer
services provided:
#storyboarding #character-creation #illustration #storytelling #animation #motion-graphics #scripting #copywriting #localisation
We created a 60-second animation that visually explains the process and benefits of enrolling in The Data School, and how doing so may allow learners the option to receive employment once their course is finished.
Following the initial animation, our team localised it for Germany, Australia and the US.
The Information Lab approached us to create a 2D recruitment explainer aimed at attracting more students to their Data School programme, that can be used and repurposed for various territories so that the viewer understands their business proposition and all that it entails, and can articulate it well.
The character was designed in key poses, and worked much like how traditional cel animation is made, having to be rigged and positioned in time to the camera.
In addition to this, it was great fun designing a style which reflects the brand colours throughout the animation, allowing the entire team to design their own characters and environment sets..